Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Job Hunt 2010

2010: The Year of Finding a Teaching Job
As most of you know, I recently completed my student teaching in a high school business department here in Kansas City...and loved it! Unfortunately, from what I hear from current teachers as well as Avila University staff, it is going to be very difficult to find a high school business teaching job for the 2010-2011 school year. I began to research different options as far as what I should do for the next school year. I'm a para right now in a high school and really enjoy working with the kids...but our mortgage doesn't really enjoy the paycheck. :)

According to one of my favorite Avila staff members, various district recruiters, & current teachers, I need to make myself "more marketable", meaning I need to get certified in another area. Now that I have my certification in one area, I just have to take a content area test for a new subject and I can be certified in that area. Well, after reviewing the possible certification areas, I've decided to try to also get my middle school math certification - weird! I was in advanced math classes starting in 6th grade...but my parents remind me that I cried about it so much because I didn't think I could handle it. Hopefully this additional certification will open up many more employment opportunities for me so I can really begin my teaching career. I bought all the Praxis math study stuff today and I'm going to have to re-teach myself quite a bit and I hope it goes smoothly. I'll obviously still be looking for HS business jobs out there, but I just want to be as employable as possible, and math would definitely help. Here we goooo!!


Corinne said...

oh Michelle! That's so exciting...too bad I don't live in KC, because if I did, we would be having some serious math study sessions a la Billy Madison (I love taking my shirt off). Keep me updated on how it's all going...

Molly Jane said...

Oh! Exciting news! Good luck... I'd offer to help but I'm a writer for a reason. Me no likey da numbers.