Tuesday, July 22, 2008

I need a vacation.

I am done studying for my programming final. I can't take it anymore! Scott helped me study because he's fabulous. I mean....somehow, I have 100% in the class, but I haven't learned a thing! Eh, let's just hope I never have to teach a programming class to high school students. My teacher told us on Monday that he's going to make the whole test open book. Apparently grades are due on Friday, and he'd like our tests to be really easy to grade...so he's making it open book. This man's laziness means (hopefully) I'll get a good grade!

As I take my programming test, if I feel like I'm going to start crying, I'll just think of this video and how much I like it.

1 comment:

Molly Jane said...

Hi. I like you lots. You should blog again.

I also have a microwave for you.

That is all.