Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Bump Check: Week 25

Are you there Heidi?  It’s me, Michelle.

For those of you that don’t know, Heidi Murkoff is the author of the well-known What to Expect When You’re Expecting book that seems to be a pregnancy staple.  She’s my homegirl.  She makes me feel not crazy when my body does weird things (apparently bleeding gums is normal) and she helps me anticipate that even weirder things are going to happen (Stinky vaginal discharge?  Awesome!).

Recently, I had a weird experience that Heidi had not warned me about at this stage of the game.  It wasn’t in my current chapter in the book nor did it appear on the iPhone app.  Here’s what happened. NOTE: This whole situation happened in about 3 seconds, but I went through 38 emotions in those 3 seconds.   

I was taking a nap one afternoon (gasp…what a shock), and was happily dozing in pregnancy dream bliss.  I was wearing my très chic maternity wear (aka another one of Dad’s Wolfe’s shirts a la 1976).  I awoke nestled in my ridiculous looking Boppy body pillow and was quite happy. As I shifted to a new position, I felt something wet on my shirt…right by my left boob.  Umm…excuse me?  “HEIDI?!?!  What is this????  This was NOT in the book yet.  Ewww ewww eww.  HEIDI!  I don’t like the word ‘discharge’.  Is this some type of ‘discharge’?”  After some further investigation of my pillow, as well as some sniffing, I quickly determined that this wasn’t creepy boob discharge, just drool.  Yup.  Drool.  Who drools on their boob?  I mean really.  Maybe it’s just getting so big that is migrates up by my face during nap time.  Who knows what those crazy things do while I’m asleep.  In addition, I may or may not have eaten some candy right before my nap, so the drool spot was all hard & sugary.  Awesome.  I’m so glad that all this weird stuff happens after a baby is conceived.  Can you imagine me turning to my husband pre-baby and asking him if he wants to make a baby?  Me…in my dad’s old t-shirt, underwear that doesn’t fit, and a giant drool stain on my shirt?  Bow chicka bow wow.

How far along: 25 weeks
Current fruit comparison: A 2lb eggplant!
Total weight gain/loss: Umm…[hangs head]…+19.  What?!  I just stepped on the scale for the first time in awhile.  I’m glad that my trip to HyVee today consisted of mostly fruits & veggies.  Bring on a healthier summer eating plan!
Sleep: Still good!  Just wet (see above).
Best moment this week: The whole week was spent in North Carolina at the beach with my family – perfection.
Movement: She seems busiest at night when I’m lying down.  I spent a few minutes every night just watching my belly move.
Food cravings: Well…at the beach this week, I ate a lot of pasta & ice cream, so that I guess?  Maybe that’s why I’m up 19lbs.  Sigh.
What I miss: Now that my first year of teaching is over, I miss going to work every morning.  Sike!  [Oooo, gotchya.]
Milestones: Scott claims he can see my linea nigra…weird.

1 comment:

Ashley said...

Yes it is in the book. But really? I got carpal tunnel. How many chicks have that happen? No one told me it could. Well no one except the book. It went away but man. I was a crappy pregnant chick :o).