Wednesday, July 11, 2012

My First Sick Day

I've had many first experiences as a parent over the last 9 months.  Below is a quick highlight:
- The first time my child projectile pooped on a chair
- The first time I got curdled breastmilk thrown-up into my hair
- The first "iceberg" booger [aka: going in to pick your child's tiny booger and quickly realizing that what lies in their nostril is MUCH bigger than originally anticipated.]

Yesterday, I had another first, but one that was not nearly as messy: my first sick day as a stay-at-home mom.

I went to bed on Monday feeling kind of icky and woke up Tuesday feeling especially under the weather.  I swear Effy could pick up on my mood change and adjusted accordingly -- has anyone else experienced this?  Our day ran pretty smoothly:
- Breakfast where instead of me talking to Effy the whole time, I fed her cereal & peaches while I flipped quietly through a magazine.
- A short walk in the same outfit I'm wearing right now...24+ hours later. Don't hate.
- Effy's kindest moment: She played quietly and happily in her baby jail while I laid on the couch with my laptop and watched an educational show.
-  A quiet lunch out with Scott where I shoveled a Canadian bacon calzone in my face hole (obviously with a side of ranch).
- An hour and a half nap with Effy.

Then Scott came home from work and took Effy to his mom's for dinner & playtime.
Getting ready to head to Grandma's!
When Scott & Effy got home, we took a quick walk.  I could tell I was feeling worse because during our walk in the 85 degree weather, I had goosebumps.  I checked my temp when I got home and it was 101.6 - ick!  Nurse mama (aka my mom, who also happens to be a nurse [BONUS!]) gave me some good tips and today, I feel much better and my fever is gone.

I had not anticipated how difficult it would be to watch a baby when you're sick.  It's moments like yesterday that make me realize how self-centered my life was before baby girl.  I will say I am slightly very spoiled and have always been showered with love and attention from my parents & husband.  When you feel sick, you just want some attention and TLC...and a 9-month old doesn't quite get that.  However, she was SO wonderful and peaceful and sweet, I swear she could tell something was up.  Has anyone else experienced something similar? 


Anonymous said...

My boys seem to just "get it" when Mommy isn't feeling well too. The other day i had a migraine and they played quietly while I layed on the couch, no fights, no whining to go outside, just oerfect lil men while I waited for the meds to kick in! Kids are resilent and smart!

adrienne said...

Re: The Bachelorette - I am enjoying this parody show so much: