Sunday, July 29, 2012

Because who doesn't want to spend money on their boobs?

Oh, that post title made it sound like I was referencing silicone.  I wasn't.  Or was I?  Big announcement: I'm getting implants.

I kid I kid.  I prefer deflated nearly C's.

{Oh...side note before I forget: You should totes like Cubbies & Nooks on FB.  I finally made a page for the blog.  Holla!}

Anywhooo, back to everyone's favorite topic -- my breasts: That being said, I'm excited to share some of my breastfeeding must-haves!  One big advantage of breastfeeding is that it is free.  However, I am a sucker for marketing and I also like products that make life a bit easier.  Effy is almost 10 months old and has exclusively had breastmilk (some from a bottle while I was at work) and I've loved most of the time doing it.  The first couple of weeks sucked (literally!), I'm not going to lie.  However it has been one of the best things about being a mom thus far.  Quiet, snuggly time with my baby multiple times a day?  Done.

Alrighty, here's my list:

Breastfeeding class: We did 3 classes through our hospital before our baby girl arrived and the one we thought was most valuable was the breastfeeding class.  I highly recommend finding one...there is SO much to learn.  There was even a plush boob that we passed around and tried not to giggle at.  Bonus!

Nursing pillow: For probably the first 7 months or so, I used a Boppy, which have become very well-known now in the mama world.  We kept one upstairs and one downstairs as well as one at my parent's house.  I'm very impressed by any mom who doesn't use some type of pillow (regular pillow, nursing pillow, whatever) when feeding their little one.  Even when Effy was extra little and we'd be out and about without a pillow, my arms would get tired and it seemed less comfortable for her, probably because I was just awkward about it.  Oh!  Effy has also thrown up and pooped on her Boppy, so I would also recommend an extra cover for it.  This is my favorite cover we have.

Nursing cover: I have three different nursing cover options to share.  I have one Bebe au Lait and one Hooter Hider (I can't find my print online, but whateves).  Props to to the marketer who though of Hooter Hider -- as I am sure you're reading my blog, dear marketer, please be my friend.  My 3rd nursing cover option is a more flexible and cheaper option...a blanket!  What?!  Shocker.  But seriously, I found a sweet lady on Etsy who we bought some pacifier clips from and she also made me an adjustable strap with clips on both sides, so if Effy is particularly busy kicking or moving her arms while we're trying to eat out in public somewhere, she doesn't expose me.  The Etsy shop I used isn't around anymore, but the strap is similar to this.  My favorite blankets to use are these organic swaddling blankets.  They're cool, soft, and lightweight so little lady doesn't get too hot under there.

Nursing pads: In the early stages of breastfeeding (first couple months), I was leaky lady.  I tried a couple of different nursing pads and found my favorite -- Bamboobies!  Holy crap.  Is that not the best name ever?  Hooter Hiders marketer, you're out.  Bamboobies - you're in!  I have a mixture of regulars and overnights but I actually found the regular ones to be more absorbent than the overnights and they're way less bulky.  If I did this again, I'd only buy the regular.  For me, 4 pairs was enough to get through 1.5 to 2 days.  I also tried some disposable pads but you could see them through clothes and they crinkled in an annoying way.  I also tried Lily Padz and looking back, I think these would have worked better if I had the next product on my list.

Milk Saver: This is hands down one of THE BEST breastfeeding products that nobody talks about!  I'm not sure why I hadn't heard about's awesome and I wish I had found it sooner in our breastfeeding adventure.  If you plan to give your baby a bottle sometime (date night, going back to work, etc), breastmilk becomes more valuable than it already is and this is where the Milk Saver comes in.Okay, when your baby starts a feeding your body says, "Oh, my baby wants milk.  Here have it out of BOTH boobs at the same time."  Inconvenient, Mother Nature.  Inconvenient.  Milk will come out of the side your baby isn't eating on and, before the Milk Saver, I would just put a cloth wipe or dish towel (seriously...LOTS of milk) in front of the side Effy wasn't feeding from and catch milk and throw it away!  The thought makes me want to cry.  Anywho, if you're interested in how their product works, watch this video on their website.  It is a fabulous product!

Fenugreek: When I went back to work and started pumping during the day, my supply dropped.  I called and talked to Effy's pediatrician's office and, among other things, the recommended a supplement called Fenugreek.  It seemed to help my supply and *BONUS* it made my pee, sweat, & skin smell like maple syrup.  I kid you not.  Students occassionally told me I smelled like syrup, pancakes, and the like.  I told them I smeared syrup on myself in preparation for work every day.  They were quite impressed.

Baby Activity app: Especially in those first couple of months, equal nursing from both breasts and starting on the correct side was very important.  To keep track of how long and on which side Effy nursed, we used an iPhone app called Baby Activity.  We also used it to track Effy's diaper habits for awhile.  This was really helpful because the main way to tell if your baby is getting enough milk is by the number of wet diapers they have in a 24 hour period.  The doctor would ask us how many she was having and we'd know exactly how many because of this app.  You can also use it to track any "other" activity like medicines, etc.  OH, and you can sync it between iPhones, so when Mom was babysitting, we'd sync before and after she watched Effy.  Then I'd know the last time she ate, Mom could anticipate a wet diaper, etc.
This can totally be overkill, but you can use it simply too!
Nursing bra: I waited until Effy was born to buy nursing tops and bras because I just couldn't really envision what I would  need.  I ended up with 4 nursing bras, one of wish has ended up being my absolute favorite.  This one is my favorite, but mine isn't racer back, but you get the idea.  It has really nice built-in pads that you can pull out and wash, so if you can't predict how your nursing pads are going to hold up, this bra offers extra security.  It's super soft and I love it!

Nursing tanks: I lived in nursing tanks during maternity leave and now use them as pajamas.  They're super convenient.  I bought this tank in multiple colors and use 'em all the time.

Breastpump: Because I was working full-time, I wanted a really good pump that I could rely on.  Enter the Medela Pump In Style.  This pump has been very good to me, has never malfunctioned, and did exactly what it needed to in order to give meals to my little lady!  I liked the pump in the tote bag because to me the backpack looked a little too much like the mini backpacks I carried around in middle school, sportin' Doc Martens & an Abercrombie baby tee.  Plus, the tote had plenty of room for extra parts, bottles, etc. 

Pumping bra: Something I never anticipated with pumping was that the funnel things don't just like...sunction on to your boobs and stay there.  You would have to sit there and HOLD THEM.  This was NOT an option for me.  I was pumping at work during my plan period and had to grade, lesson plan, send emails, etc while I pumped.  In order to get this done, I purchased this fabulous pumping bra that holds the funnels right where they need to be for hands-free pumping.  MANDATORY.

Those are the main ones I can think of right now.  I would love to hear in the comments any other products, tools, or solutions you've used to help make breastfeeding a smooth process!

Happy lactating!